Thursday, July 26, 2012

10 Signs You Are a Normal Catholic

10 Signs You Are a Normal Catholic
  1. You are nice enough to save the pews in the front of church for the latecomers. (You also save the comfy middle part of the pew for others).
  2. You can follow every prayer in Mass, regardless of what language it is in.
  3. You have given up something sweet for least a dozen times before.
  4. You dress a lot nicer when you know you might see the Bishop.
  5. You have genuflected (or started to) in a movie theater.
  6. You could be a professional weaver of palm crosses, though you do it only one day a year.
  7. You complain when the parish buys a new brand of Communion wine.
  8. You can say a family rosary on a trip in less than 15 minutes and know that God still heard it over the baby screaming.
  9. You remember more Latin than the foreign language you actually took classes for during high school.
  10. You played the "Mass game" when you were a kid.
What did I forget?


  1. You scarf down your breakfast Sunday mornings to beat the one-hour fast.

    1. Actually it should be, You scarf down a bowl of cereal to beat the MIDNIGHT deadline when you remember that only an hour is required now. ;-O

  2. Anonymous1:37 PM

    How funny! I love # 5!

  3. While in the pew singing the closing prayer, when someone leaves, your toddler says in a loud voice, "It's NOT OVER."

    And after communion every time, even if they've behaved like rabid raccoons, they will straighten up and give you those sweet eyes and say, "Was I good enough to get donuts?"

  4. #5 made me laugh...

    But not as much as that picture.

    That picture REALLY makes me want to know the context in which it was taken!

    Good stuff.

  5. A day-brightener: thanks for sharing.

  6. Top 10 Signs...that seems like a familiar theme in recent posts on some other Catholic let me think...


    Good list!

  7. Inspiration comes from many sources. I credit the Holy Spirit. :-P

  8. [regrettably] You don't bring your Bible to Mass.

  9. So funny! #4 is so true! We are going to Mass tonight with our Archbishop and have been debating all day on our nicest outfits!

  10. when you're kneeling during Mass, no matter how tired/sore your knees get, you don't sit back to rest on the pew

  11. You couldn't carry a tune in a bag, but you sing anyway!

  12. Anonymous12:32 PM

    As a convert to Catholicism who attends the Extraordinary Form half the time, I cannot relate to a single one of these... I hope I'm atypical rather than abnormal though!

  13. ...Wait, so this means I am an abnormal catholic???

  14. You actually wake up saying the Rosary. "Whaaat, when did I start this? What decade am I on now?"

  15. Here's my rendition of this topic:
