Monday, January 23, 2012

An Aggie Chooses Life!

What a testimony for choosing life!
This morning I put the following quote on our Facebook page:
"Society as a whole must defend the conceived child's right to life and the true good of the woman who can never, in any circumstances, find fulfilment in the decision to abort." -Pope Benedict XVI
In the comments under the quote, the following testimony was given. I have been given permission to share here on the blog:
In 1975, at age 17, I went to PP for a pregnancy test... it was +. They were very convincing that I should abort, gave me a form for my parents to sign (but said no one would check the signature *wink wink*). The day before abortion, I changed my mind. I called to cancel appt, & they harangued me. But I rebelled! I chose life without even being a Christian. 
I clung to my baby's life even when my parents' insisted I have an abortion when they found out (I ran away & got married). My son is 36 and such a blessing to me! Years later, I went back to PP for a pregnancy test - this time I was married and excited about the + sign. PP (a different "clinic") still pushed the abortion option saying I was still a bit young to have a child (I was 26). My daughter is now 28 and a teacher! Eleven years later I converted to Catholicism - finding the perfect expression of my faith in the fullness of Truth. 
Now I pray outside our local PP. And I grieve for babies lost and families destroyed. I know first hand... you see, PP did manage to murder one of my children... my first grandchild. The grief was so overwhelming for those involved. If people would only listen to the Truth, no one would willingly choose such mass destruction. 
Choosing life is definitely not the easy choice. But it's the better choice. Which can lead to other choices. Like adoption (my niece & nephew are adopted - we love them so much!!!) I have made many bad choices in my life - but choosing life was not one of them. 
For those who have had abortions, my heart aches for you! You are loved and precious and I hope you have experienced God's infinite mercy in healing - because He wants that for you. 
Pro-lifers should always embrace with love and compassion those who chose abortion... we're supposed to be pro-ALL life. A "problem" pregnancy is an opportunity for everyone to pitch in to help, be the BEST version of ourselves God created us to be, and reach out to those in need of our help.
Thanks to Barbara for the beautiful testimony for life!

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