Thursday, October 27, 2011

St. Mary's Catholic Center to Offer For-Credit Theology Starting Spring 2012

BIG NEWS - I just released the following news this afternoon. I have been working on this project (in different forms) for the last 5 years!
The Gospel and Letters of John 
In spring term, 2012, St. Mary’s Catholic Center is hosting a credit bearing theology course sponsored by the University of St. Thomas (Houston).   
Course Title: THEO 3365 - Gospel and Letters of John 
Professor: Rev. William Kelly, SSL 
Father William Kelly is an emeritus professor of Theology at the University of St. Thomas (Houston) where he still teaches on a part-time basis. He earned his licentiate in Scripture from the Pontifical Biblical Institute following studies in both Jerusalem and Rome. He has thirty-two years experience teaching Scripture on the university level. Father Kelly is also a former pastor in the Galveston-Houston Archdiocese; he currently lives and ministers at St. Mary’s Parish in Plantersville. Dates and 
Times: TU/TR 11:10 AM - 12:25 PM 
Location: Room 101 of St. Mary’s Catholic Center – 603 Church Avenue. 
Prerequisites: Upper Division Students Only 
Since this is an upper division theology course, it will be available only for students with a sophomore standing or higher. 
Cost: $1,196 The cost of a three-credit undergraduate course at the University of St. Thomas is $2,496. Through the generosity of donors, scholarships of $1,300 will be made available to students associated with St. Mary’s who register for this class, making the cost for them to be $1,196. (For comparison, the cost of tuition and fees for the first three credits for undergraduate resident tuition at A&M for fall, 2011-spring 2012 is $1,194.17.) 
Transferability: Although UST cannot guarantee that Texas A&M will accept Gospel and Letters of John for transfer credit, this course has successfully transferred to Texas A&M in the past. 
Registration: Details about how to register will be coming soon. If interested in attending a meeting where you will learn more, (date and time TBD) Please sign up at the receptionists desk ASAP or email us your name, email, phone and classification to   
Preference for enrollment will be given to those who sign up first. Please contact Marcel LeJeune, Assistant Director of Campus Ministry at St. Mary’s, for more information.
I do expect that we will add additional classes in the future and would like to have multiple offerings every semester.

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