Thursday, August 4, 2011


The following story reminded me of this quote:
"I have found the paradox that if I love until it hurts, then there is no hurt, but only more love."
— Mother Teresa
Now for the story:
A cook at the Pittsburgh Steelers team complex is driving around in a red Mercedes convertible thanks to an unexpected and generous deal from the franchise's former secondary coach.

On his final day in Pittsburgh before taking over as defensive coordinator for the Arizona Cardinals, Ray Horton gave his 1999 Mercedes SL500 to cafeteria worker Maurice Matthews.

The cook had always kidded around with Horton, telling him he was coaching his position and asking when he'd be allowed to drive his sports car. Horton would jokingly reply, "you can't afford the gas in it."

But on his final day in Pittsburgh, Horton approached Matthews to say goodbye and asked if he could borrow whatever money he had in his pocket. When Matthews handed over a twenty, Horton said "sold for $20!" and handed him the keys to his car.

"Ray said, 'Hey, you always liked the car, you're a good dude, I know you'll take care of it," Matthews told the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. "It's yours."

The next day he drove Horton to the airport and received all the paperwork to take ownership of the car. With 64,000 miles on it, Matthews ended up paying $20 for a vehicle that carries a Kelly Blue Book value of $17,735.

"It's just taking care of guys who took care of you," Horton told the Arizona Cardinals team blog.

The Cardinals got a good man. And cafeteria workers in Tempe just found their new favorite customer.

1 comment:

  1. I'm not taking away from the kindness of the coach, but really do not see the hurt here. God Bless him for his act of charity, but really, he's an NFL coach. Do you know how much they make? Top coordinators make 1/2 a million. So I cannot see the hurt here. But it was really really cool.
