Wednesday, August 17, 2011

103 Year-Old Nun To Leave Convent For First Time in 84 Years To Meet Pope

What a great story.
She has spent every day of the past 84 years inside the walls of her convent in central Spain.

Now, however, 103-year-old nun Sister Teresita will finally emerge into the outside world on Friday for a very special occasion.

The nun will meet Pope Benedict XVI during his visit to the Spanish capital of Madrid to celebrate World Youth Day.

Sister Teresita is a member of the Buenafuente del Sistal Convent, which is located around 60miles north of Madrid.

She has been a resident at the convent since April 16, 1927. This, by coincidence, is the same day that Joesph Ratzinger - now Pope Benedict XVI - was born. Continue Reading.

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