Friday, July 1, 2011

Don't Mess With Texas

I have told many people that Texans can be quite obnoxious because we love our state more than anybody else.

But, Texas A&M Aggies are even worse because we love our school more than anyone else.

Yet, Aggie Catholics are even worse because we love our faith more than anyone else.

Aggie Catholics - full of love and sometimes really obnoxious.


  1. My son Tony said he wouldn't marry any foreigners, i.e. someone who wasn't from Texas.

    This reporter fails to mention that the slogan he bases his story on originated as part of an anti litter campaign and that the stars who snippets he used are talking part of that campaign.

    So typical of CNN, using a false premise to get the story started.

  2. We were close to establishing a distinct rite of Texas Aggie Catholics, but apparently the following cultural distinctions weren't enough to get Rome's attention:

    -Maroon liturgical chaps
    -'Whoops!' as sacramentals
    -Gospel readings starting with "got a little story for you Ags..."
    -Changing 'Amen' to 'Reckon So'
    -Branding of heretics (literally)
    -Choir replaced by Yell Leaders
    -Ending the homily when our mascot, Reveille, barks
    -Perpetual prayer intention to beat the hell out of our football rivals
    -The chorus of the recessional hymn must be "saw Varsity's horns off"


    -The codification of the admonition by Father David: "If you think it's hot here..."
