Thursday, June 23, 2011

Crisis Magazine on St. Mary's Catholic Center at Texas A&M

Crisis Magazine mentioned us in an article about how to choose the right college. Here is a snip.
Texas A&M. This sprawling, secular, state university is known for its agricultural, business, and engineering programs, but its liberal arts offerings aren’t bad — and they’re largely consonant with the sane social conservatism of A&M’s students, a quarter of whom are the first in their family to go to college. As one of them told our reporter: “This is not a crowd that worships academia like the East and West coasts. These are people that place relationships with God, country, and family out in front.” The political science, history, and English departments are much more solid and traditional than those at comparable schools — even in Texas — with required classes in fundamentals of each discipline and fewer trendy, toxic electives.

Big things on campus include a wide range of top-notch sports teams, beer-drinking in honky-tonks like the Chicken Oil Company, and Christian activism of every sort. St. Mary’s Catholic Center on campus seems vibrant and orthodox, featuring traditional devotions, pro-life activities, and significant intellectual support; it’s refreshing to be able to say that about such a campus ministry. There has been an explosion of Catholic devotion on campus, resulting in a wave of priestly and religious vocations from A&M, meriting national media attention. A 2011 A&M football game against rival UT-Austin featured dozens of alumni nuns and priests in the stands on the A&M side, leading TV commentators to remark that UT didn’t stand a chance. (It didn’t.)
Continue reading.
A few details aren't quite accurate, but it is pretty good publicity.

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