Friday, August 29, 2014

ALS Ice Bucket Challenge and Catholics

The Diocese of Austin has released a statement on the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge:
ALS Challenge
The ice bucket challenge has become a popular way to raise funds for research for treatment and cure of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS). The point of the challenge is to raise awareness and research funding for the ALS Association. However, the ALS Association supports using embryonic stem cells in its research, which conflicts with Catholic teaching. Nonetheless, when accepting a challenge, a person may donate to any charity. Catholics who are asked to take part in the ice bucket challenge may do so but should be mindful to support charities that fund research for ALS that is in line with Catholic teachings, morals and ethics. For further clarification, please see the statement from the National Catholic Bioethics Center.
If you would like more details about why Stem Cells are morally problematic, this article should help.


  1. Anonymous12:36 PM

    If you would like to donate to ALS but not support ESR, the Kevin Turner Foundation is a good place to donate. Turner is a former University of Alabama football player who was diagnosed with ALS and is a committed Christian. They do not use any of the money donated to them toward research that includes ESR.

    Several Christians in my area had the same problem as is described in your article and started donating to the KTF.

  2. There is another great way to donate to support people with ALS and their caregivers. Go to A wonderful alternative. That's where my money went!
